
Helping Kids Recover from trauma with CJC

June 11, 2020

The thought of children being victims of domestic violence, or being a witness to felony-level crimes is beyond most of our comprehension. It’s so hard to hear, and we cringe when we see headlines streaming on the news. The Children’s Justice Center is a powerful ally and a soft place to land for victims of abuse or felony crime. They create a safe space for children to communicate the varying degrees of corruption that have crash-landed in their lives. They also provide much-needed support for parents who are left broken-hearted or feeling responsible for these injustices. They are able to offer such distinguished care because of their partnership with The Friends of the CJC, (the exclusive fundraising arm.) Over 3,200 victims and families are supported every year by the CJC and the charitable Friends of the CJC. Victims can seek help for physical and sexual abuse and exploitation: date rape, assault, and kidnapping. There are also children who witness domestic violence, felony crimes, and drug endangerment. Some of these children have to testify in court. Sitting in the same room as your abuser can feel impossible for adults, imagine a child in this situation. The justice center prepares and supports every step of the court process. Victims are buoyed up with counseling resources, medical care, and restitution. They call on and employ specially trained experts to minimize the impact of an unthinkable story that has to be told.

We believe that healing is possible, and joy can return. With proper guidance and personal work, we can all rise from the tragedies that seem to sweep away our hopes and dreams. Kids who have witnessed crime or have been abused and mistreated are where we need to put our resources and energy. The children’s justice center helps victims find their brave hearts and influential voices. They help them tell the truth and feel empowered and supported for doing the hardest things, the unimaginable things. Friends of the Children’s Justice Center is the fundraising arm and angel supporters who make all of this possible. Children and teens who can recover from inconceivable violence will be able to tell better stories and lead with experience from a healed perspective. Helping children share their trauma, and then support their recovery is the most important work we can do. We create wounded healers and leaders who will have a higher capacity to implement change as they mature. Every child that develops skills to heal their trauma becomes a change-maker in advocating for others. We need more than ever to rise up and help mend broken hearts and give hope to broken spirits.

If we can assist these young victims share the truth about their tragedies, they are less likely to bury it deep inside, where shame grows. Children who carry shame, struggle to thrive in every aspect of their life. These resources are the lifeline, and first responders to assist in a critical healing journey. We invite you to become familiar with The Children’s Justice Center and the Friends of the Children’s justice center. If you are unable to donate money, you can donate your time to various events. The website provides resources and education. Please take a moment and become familiar. And consider sharing this information with your friends and family. As a community, when we come together for good, miracles happen, and we rise strong!

When we heal the past, we change the future.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cjcslc/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/friendsofcjcslco/

website: https//www.cjcslc.org