Calming fears during a crisis and other insights from Shannon Tripp

March 15, 2020

Our podcast with Shannon Tripp could not be more timely. We are all staring down the barrel of a global pandemic, social distancing, flattening the curve, and other one-liners that are changing our realities. Shannon is an RN, BSN. She has worked years in the pediatric ER is a birth coach and educator on pediatric health safety and best practices. Shannon has developed an educational program that should be required for every family with children and grandparents as well. The modules in this program will teach you all of the most important things you need to know about your child’s health and a variety of options as you navigate many common issues we all face. Some are life-saving, like how to assist a child who is choking, when to go to the doctor and many other illnesses you will encounter with your children.

When our children get sick or when scary things happen, our fight or flight response kicks in, and it can be hard to remain calm. But having knowledge and a sense of education can assist you in those moments when your child is in danger. We talk about the top 3 things you need to know as a parent. Shannon has an Instagram account that is real raw, and so full of information. She is a bright light that lets us know we are not alone in our parenting journey. Keep reading for links and discount code.

19. This crazy global pandemic is affecting our entire planet. 7.6 billion of us are affected. Some of us will get sick, and some of us won’t. But we are all concerned, and the scope of this crisis has never been played out like this before. All of our deepest fears are being called out of the shadows—things like scarcity, illness, death, loss of income, global shutdown, and economic catastrophe. We have been thrown headfirst into a primal survival instinct. In that process, some have taken more than they need, and others are unable to afford or find the basics. This first week or so has felt like every man for himself.

I grew up in a home with a father who was a by-product of the great depression. Even though they had plenty of money to survive, fear and panic were embedded in their consciousness. I watched my father build a bomb shelter in our basement. It even had a well so that we would have water. He reinforced end of the world scenarios throughout my childhood. I remember the feeling of eeriness, and a bone chill when I climbed in that small concrete room. It had a flickering yellow lightbulb with a pull string. It was lonely and sterile. I couldn’t even imagine the reality of hunkering down in such a confined concrete stone tomb. My father gathered supplies, and to this day, stores the basics for survival. So when the NBA gets canceled, and schools close down, that primal fear creeps in. The worst-case scenarios play out in our minds, and we go a little bit mad. If we can recognize this fear, we can start to react from a different place. We have a chance to change how we rise from this. We are the ones to evolve this fear into connection and love. First, we need to stay out of judgment. We don’t know everyone’s story or circumstance. There are so many families that look totally normal on the outside who are standing next to us in the checkout line. But at home and behind the scenes may have immune-compromised children. Imagine that panic, knowing that you are caring for the elderly or those who are more prone to illness.

As a community, an entire world of 7.6 billion humans all going through the same thing, we need to come together. More now than ever before. We need to use our platforms to spread love and connection. We need hope. We need to know that out of this darkness, there will be an opportunity for light.

Ashlee and I were at Costco stocking up for our family. When we passed the bulk applesauce, Isle, we were taken back to the crisis that hit our family in July of 2017. When for 18 days, we were in that survival mode, searching for Paul. We lived on those applesauce packets. But here is the truth. We would have never survived that crisis that ended terribly without the support of an army of hundreds. There were so many people in our community, some we knew and many we didn’t know who lifted us up when we had no ground to stand on. It was the love and companionship of a community that held our hands. Eighteen days of panic and fear were managed by the comfort of knowing others were helping us. It was knowing that other minds were thinking of things our brains could not process. We also held on to our spiritual practice. We used all of the tools we had to survive. We are a community. We must hold each other up. There are so many without resources, without hope. Let’s dig deep and figure out how we can be of service. Let’s reach out to our neighbors and friends and make sure they know we are lifelines for each other. Let’s try to stay out of judgment and work with what we have. Have dinners at home and re-ignite conversation. If you have extra to share, please look for ways to do that.

We’ve had to calm our fears with meditation and breath work. Going outside and breathing fresh air, notice the earth waking up as the little buds on trees are blooming. Feeling the sun and appreciating a clear sky. Spring is coming, and with that, hope that we can navigate the shadow. If we do this together, we will be strong. The Art of Joy is committed to connection and hope that brighter days are ahead. We’ve been in the dark before and witnessed the miracles that come from that place. The smallest gratitudes will be a healing balm for all of our worried souls. We love you and are here to help in any capacity that we can.

For 30% off Shannons Program enter Joy30 at checkout! SUCH A GENEROUS DISCOUNT THAT WILL REALLY BENEFIT YOU!