Fostering Change with the Shine Project

July 19, 2018

On this episode we talk with Ashley Lemieux, a writer-speaker, and Founder of The Shine Project. She is an ambassador for change in this world. As an entrepreneur, she employes inner-city youth giving hope and life to the underserved.  Ashley shares her personal story regarding the abuses in the foster care system, and how this has directly affected the lives of her and her husband Mike, and their two children.

We want to help bring awareness to all of the babies and children who get lost and mistreated. The only way we can make a change is to start the conversations, and then take action. We need to know the stories so that we can use our anger as fire to fuel change. We can do better, and together will rise up and use our voice for the half a million children in the foster care system.

For more information on what you can do, please visit The Shine Project. Get involved in #childwelfareawareness @theshineproject(Instagram) @austinangelsnonprofit (Instagram) Tresa + Ashlee