March 25, 2021

Finding the connection to your higher self with Diana Anderson

In this episode, we invite our dear friend Diana Anderson to talk to us about her gifts as a channel and medium. “A channel is a passageway, a means of access for a thing, a communication, or an idea.” So many of us have varying degrees of this gift and don’t realize it. If you get downloads of information and ideas during prayer or meditation, that’s a form of the divine working through you. Some people have channeled writers, and when they sit down to transcribe, the information flows from them effortlessly. Most artists will have a deeper connection and inspiration that comes when they are creating. Symphonies have been channeled from the greats of our time. All of these are aspects of our higher self communicating with the divine element in all of us.

Developing a spiritual practice requires commitment and patience. It’s shifting your daily life to make room for the growth and practices that resonate with you. Regardless of your religion or spiritual beliefs, we can all take it a step further by committing to expand our awareness. It really becomes a way of life, and each step we take brings us closer to that alignment with our true nature and divine spirit.

At the end of this episode, Diana gives us a channeled reading. It’s a beautiful message, and we hope that this episode leaves you reflecting on your own gifts. We hope you will get curious about how your unique blueprint has so many gifts to share with the world. We all have access to the holy nature of who we are.

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