June 10, 2020

Helping Kids Recover from Trauma with The Children’s Justice Center

The thought of children being victims of domestic violence, or being a witness to felony-level crimes is beyond most of our comprehension. It’s so hard to hear, and we cringe when we see headlines streaming on the news. The Children’s Justice Center is a powerful ally and a soft place to land for victims of abuse or felony crime. They create a safe space for children to communicate the varying degrees of corruption that have crash-landed in their lives. They also provide much-needed support for parents who are left broken-hearted or feeling responsible for these injustices. They are able to offer such distinguished care because of their partnership with The Friends of the CJC, (the exclusive fundraising arm.) Over 3,200 victims and families are supported every year by the CJC and the charitable Friends of the CJC. Victims can seek help for physical and sexual abuse and exploitation: date rape, assault, and kidnapping. There are also children who witness domestic violence, felony crimes, and drug endangerment.

Please visit these websites to become educated and see where you can help. This is a community effort that we all need to become aware of!

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cjcslc/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/friendsofcjcslco/

website: www.cjcslc.org

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