April 24, 2019

We’ve got a secret! It’s OK to Slow Down!

Chrissy is a licensed marriage and family therapist, creative career coach, and podcast host of “The Sure, Babe podcast” In this episode, we talk about motherhood in all of its stages, and finding your passion in work and personal life. Chrissy explains trauma A and B and helps us understand when we have been imprinted and can benefit from help. What if you are the person that has more than one interest? It’s a common belief that we start hearing about in elementary school. A pressure that says we need to decide what we want to be when we grow up. We spend our childhood education trying to answer that question and go off to college to get a degree in that one thing. Some humans are born with a knowing; they never doubt their passion and can march straight into their career path without ever looking back. But what about those of us who don’t know or even find ourselves holding multiple passions or gifts? There can be shame attached to this idea that we may dabble in many endeavors rather than just one. We feel pressure to choose the interest that makes the most money vs. what brings the most joy. If we can step into the confidence of owning who we are as multi-faceted beings, we can begin to make room for the things that light us up! We think it’s a gift to have varied interests just as much as we honor those who have always known who they are and what they want to do! In this episode, we dive into conversations about learning to discover who you are and what you were meant to do, how to address trauma, and how we can honor ourselves.

Chrissy Powers

@Chrissyjpowers (Instagram)




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