May 29, 2020

When You Heal the Past You Change the Future

In today’s episode, we tackle the concept of Quantum Physics and epigenetic’s. This research is the science that proves we have control over all aspects of our life. The wave function theory explains that electrons exist simultaneously in an infinite array of possibilities. They are like invisible outcomes or probabilities with endless potential and possibilities. When any one electron, or possibility is observed, all of the energy of that thought and observation collapse everything around it. It then receives all of the input and can absorb all of the power and become a reality. “If you can imagine a future event in your life based on any one of your desires, that reality already exists as a possibility in the quantum field, waiting to be observed by you. If your mind can influence the appearance of an electron, then theoretically, it can influence the appearance of any possibility.” So this also means that we can manifest the negative beliefs that run in our unconscious programming.

As we work to change our beliefs and shift the unconscious programs that live inside of us, this new way of thinking is passed down to our children and grandchildren. If your unconscious program came from your parents and their program came from their parents, you can see that we pass forward threads of feelings, ideas, and beliefs that are outdated. We can see the inherited aspect of epigenetic’s living in our own perception of the environment we are raised in. Once we understand this, we can look to the behaviors and unconscious downloads that no longer serve us and change them. We can pass our healed state forward.

For the first time in forever, we have the knowledge to do better. When I elevate my understanding and heal old wounds, it is observed by my children and grandchildren. If they are then able to see the behavior in me change, it gets passed on as a new truth because it was observed by them. As we chip away at this, as we heal the past, we literally are changing the future.

The act of observing ourselves gives us the option to see an old wound, recognize how it is not serving us, and choose to see something more powerful instead. When we look into our own soul and get curious, we can choose to observe a better way. We can change who we are becoming. When we change who we are becoming consciously, we pass that forward.

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